Category: PC

  • Snip


    I have somehow managed to avoid using aftermarket, dedicated screen snipping software up until recently. I have happily used Windows’ built in Snipping Tool effectively since discovering it long ago. After a recent bout of troubleshooting a plug-in at work that required multiple rounds of screenshoting repeatedly to document errors and such, Snipping Tool’s biggest…

  • The Sound of Music

    The Sound of Music

    Recently Google, or more specifically the Chrome team, removed the ability for the Backspace key to go back a page in Chrome. This proved to be the final shot in the ground war Chrome has been fighting with their most enthusiastic users. They removed this functionality by default with no way to restore it. No…

  • Lenovo Thinkpad X260

    Lenovo Thinkpad X260

    As the ‘first-call’, ‘boots-on-the-ground’ IT administrator for the family of companies I work for I need a dependable and flexible laptop. My Dell XPS 12 (2012) has served that role competently since I purchased it at launch. It’s tablet-like functionality is pretty nice in quickly navigating through many tasks. Then you have normal laptop input…

  • From Test-bed to Data-dump

    From Test-bed to Data-dump

    In preparation for testing Windows 10 Betas last year I built a tester rig that was equipped enough to morph into a primary rig for someone or server of some type. Intel Pentium G3258 (Unlocked Anniversary Edition) ASRock Z97M-ITX/AC 8GB DDR3 @ 1600MHz (2x4GB sticks) ADATA SP600 128GB SSD SeaSonic SSR450RM PSU Thermaltake Core V1…

  • Zalman ZM-VE300 drive enclosure, miracle worker Review

    Zalman ZM-VE300 drive enclosure, miracle worker Review

    Of salt and memories Any geek worth his salt has had to boot a PC or a hundred from a USB flash drive to repair, recover, or re-install. Those that are REALLY worth their salt have put many a flash drive to pasture from repeated ISO unpacking. Being the resourceful geek that I am, I…

  • Update: DIY Router/Firewall Project

    Update: DIY Router/Firewall Project

      Too Good to be True The whole ‘two machines in one box’ didn’t pan out in the long run. Not that it isn’t perfectly possible; just not on the sparse hardware I attempted to do it on. After a round of updates to both VirtualBox and Windows the network bridging voodoo failed and I…

  • Review: Ducky DK9008G2-A PBT

    Review: Ducky DK9008G2-A PBT

    If you have no idea what a ‘mechanical’ keyboard is and why it is a ‘thing’, I suggest you read through the rather thorough post at before partaking of this article. I became aware of mechanical keyboards from a few hosts that appeared on a few different shows over on Cnet. One in particular would…

  • A ‘Not So Large’ Review: Logitech K400 Wireless Keyboard/Touchpad

    A ‘Not So Large’ Review: Logitech K400 Wireless Keyboard/Touchpad

    You might have seen my previous post referencing my desire for a new HTPC input device and how it might have been the Koribo. Well, I finally found a keyboard/pointing device combo that struck my fancy in the Logitech K400. In fact the K400 even looks like a pared down version of the Koribo. I…

  • Koribo. I might have found my HTPC input device, but there’s a catch.

    PC Perspective posted a link to a review at NeoSeeker of a few of Koribo’s products that intrigued me greatly. 

  • GTX 470…getting with the times

    My only Black Friday purchase was picking up one of these from NewEgg for less than a 1GB GTX 460. Got it installed in my i7 rig and it is blowing away my entire collection. I also picked up a cache of games from Steam for a steal including Metro 2033 and Dirt2. Haven’t download…