Category: Networking

  • The Sound of Music

    The Sound of Music

    Recently Google, or more specifically the Chrome team, removed the ability for the Backspace key to go back a page in Chrome. This proved to be the final shot in the ground war Chrome has been fighting with their most enthusiastic users. They removed this functionality by default with no way to restore it. No…

  • From Test-bed to Data-dump

    From Test-bed to Data-dump

    In preparation for testing Windows 10 Betas last year I built a tester rig that was equipped enough to morph into a primary rig for someone or server of some type. Intel Pentium G3258 (Unlocked Anniversary Edition) ASRock Z97M-ITX/AC 8GB DDR3 @ 1600MHz (2x4GB sticks) ADATA SP600 128GB SSD SeaSonic SSR450RM PSU Thermaltake Core V1…

  • Update: DIY Router/Firewall Project

    Update: DIY Router/Firewall Project

      Too Good to be True The whole ‘two machines in one box’ didn’t pan out in the long run. Not that it isn’t perfectly possible; just not on the sparse hardware I attempted to do it on. After a round of updates to both VirtualBox and Windows the network bridging voodoo failed and I…