Author: Matt

  • Update: DIY Router/Firewall Project

    Update: DIY Router/Firewall Project

      Too Good to be True The whole ‘two machines in one box’ didn’t pan out in the long run. Not that it isn’t perfectly possible; just not on the sparse hardware I attempted to do it on. After a round of updates to both VirtualBox and Windows the network bridging voodoo failed and I…

  • Review: Ducky DK9008G2-A PBT

    Review: Ducky DK9008G2-A PBT

    If you have no idea what a ‘mechanical’ keyboard is and why it is a ‘thing’, I suggest you read through the rather thorough post at before partaking of this article. I became aware of mechanical keyboards from a few hosts that appeared on a few different shows over on Cnet. One in particular would…

  • A ‘Not So Large’ Review: Logitech K400 Wireless Keyboard/Touchpad

    A ‘Not So Large’ Review: Logitech K400 Wireless Keyboard/Touchpad

    You might have seen my previous post referencing my desire for a new HTPC input device and how it might have been the Koribo. Well, I finally found a keyboard/pointing device combo that struck my fancy in the Logitech K400. In fact the K400 even looks like a pared down version of the Koribo. I…

  • Growing pains

    I am poking at this thing again after another long hiatus. Some things might be broken for a while as I had to get creative to update all my back end while keeping things as intact as possible.