Category: Gaming

  • Magnetize Space Marine Kratos Tank

    Magnetize Space Marine Kratos Tank

    Whomever designed the Kratos kit at Games-Workshop really understands their customers. It doesn’t even need much magnetization to keep all the loadout options available. Really only the top plate of the turret needs magnets. Everything else can just be swapped out securely enough. Hull Weapons First the hull weapons. If you are careful about lining…

  • Magnetize Imperial Knights

    Magnetize Imperial Knights

    A little video showing my fully magnetized Imperial Knight Questoris chasis. I used a magnet kit from The Magnet Baron.

  • Brutally Awesome Apps from Brutal Damage

    Brutally Awesome Apps from Brutal Damage

    Since beginning my foray into the world of tabletop gaming, I have consumed a great many ‘Battle Reports’. Otherwise known as recordings, either pre-recorded or streamed, of people playing said tabletop games. One battle report producing channel, Brutal Damage, seems to have a rather tech savvy bunch that have designed both a score-clock app and…

  • The Tempting World of Tabletop

    The Tempting World of Tabletop

    I have tried many times to compose a blog post describing my journey into tabletop gaming, but they all end up way too detailed and self-important. So here is a bulleted list. Stranger Things wakes family, friends, and myself up to the fact that Dungeons & Dragons is a thing. (this is the part that…

  • Review: Ducky DK9008G2-A PBT

    Review: Ducky DK9008G2-A PBT

    If you have no idea what a ‘mechanical’ keyboard is and why it is a ‘thing’, I suggest you read through the rather thorough post at before partaking of this article. I became aware of mechanical keyboards from a few hosts that appeared on a few different shows over on Cnet. One in particular would…

  • GTX 470…getting with the times

    My only Black Friday purchase was picking up one of these from NewEgg for less than a 1GB GTX 460. Got it installed in my i7 rig and it is blowing away my entire collection. I also picked up a cache of games from Steam for a steal including Metro 2033 and Dirt2. Haven’t download…

  • Money for nothin’…Micro-Transactions come to WoW

    As you may or may not be aware of, Blizzard, the creators of World of Warcraft, have recently made available an in-game mount in the form of the Celestial Steed for the real world price of $25. This practice of charging real money for benefit in a virtual sense has become known as a “micro…